So right now I'm feeling like Cookie Monster having his cookies replaced with fruits and vegetables.
He's pissed, he's confused, he wants to punch someone in the neck...
And it's all from watching The Bachelor.
I have never seen The Bachelor, or The Bachelorette for that matter, before tonight, and it's definitely something I could have gone without seeing, for the sake of my WTF face.
Now, growing up, I was always a fan of those dumb dating shows like Flavor of Love, Rock of Love, A Shot at Love, etc. (really clever titles!,) but I don't remember ever getting as angry over them as I got over The Bachelor tonight.
* First off, let me just say how ridiculous the concept of the show actually is.
A bunch of girls who are head over heels for the same dude. ONE dude. One dude who gets to walk through a crowd of drooling girls, pick one, chill with her for a bit, send her back out into the crowd, and then do it all again!? And how are those girls so cool about sharing a man who they know has been kissing all however many of them, yet so excited to have that "one-on-one date"!? You're not special to him and he really doesn't care about you any more than the others.
Which leads me to my next point....
* Those poor girls
I'm sorry, but if those girls are cool with sharing their man with a bunch of women just to have the satisfaction of being alone with him and have his attention for one day, then they must be perfectly fine with actually getting cheated on in real life.
That SCREAMS "pathetic"...
They let their man go out with a bunch of chicks and when he comes back for a little "you" time, they slap that dumb, naive smile because they're so excited to be alone with him, after he's been with all of those girls. "Oh, honey, you're done kissing all of those girls and you're finally ready to spend time with me?! YAY <3!"
Again, pathetic -_-
BUT I must admit, the show is really addicting and I'm looking forward to watching it again so my room mates and I can talk about how much we hate Courtney.
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