Monday are not my day. I always have bad luck on Mondays, and not only because i have class at 9:25 a.m., but because it's the only day of the week when unfortunate things happen to me almost in a row.
For example, I can remember a few Mondays ago i woke up late for my class. I ran to bathroom and when i went to put my contacts on, it seemed as if the contact solution had been replaced by soapy water because my eyes were burning.
So i decide to just wear glasses for the morning. I make a toaster strudel for breakfast and burn my fingers so bad by touching it.
Somewhere between the soapy contacts and the toasted fingers i thought my 9:25 was at 9:45, so i show up 20 minutes late to class with blood shot eyes. FUN!
This morning, again i had a toaster strudel (sensing a pattern?), didn't burn myself, showed up to class on time, BUT when i got back to my apartment something bad happened.
I have a habit of taking my phone everywhere with me, including the bathroom.
I think you know where this is going. My phone fell into the toilet.
This isn't the first or even second time this has happened to me. It's the third.
The first two times were a result of me leaving my phone in my back pocket of my jeans causing it to slip out when i lower myself to do my bathroom thang...ahem.
Since then, i've made a mental note to take my phone out of my back pocket before doing any....bathroom..thangs...SO i havent lost a phone that way since.
This morning, however, was strange because i was holding my phone in my hand and as i went to flush my toilet, my phone decided to make a run for it and jump into the toilet.
Now, i mean it when i say that i NEVER drop my phone anywhere, except the toilet. Only in the toilet will i drop my phone.
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