Thursday, October 10, 2013

5 ways girls can participate in No Shave November

Let's be real, aside from Black Friday, November is a man's month.

No Shave November is their Fashion Week.

As a personal fan of mustaches and beards, I do enjoy this month, but why should guys get to have all the fun?

Here are 5 ways women can have a little facial-hair fun:

Car mustache

Cruise around in a 'stashmobile that will probably make spot the facial hair you wish you could grow!
Car mustache

Mustache cups

If the mustache is in the general facial hair-growing area, it counts. Plus, everything feels classier with a mustache, even if you are chugging beer from that cup.
Mustache cups

Mustache dress

Strut into the party in this hot bodycon dress and you'll have all the men stroking their beards in approval...and jealousy.
Mustache dress

Knitted beard

For when you really, really want to be one of the guys.
Knitted beard

Vibrating mustache

On those lonely nights that will be sure to happen because by now all of the guys are jealous of your mustache everything and don't want to talk to you anymore. 
Vibrating mustache

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

I don't know how to gym

I've always been skinny, having gotten my dad's genes.
I used to eat brownies, cake and cookies for breakfast, lunch and dinner and not even feel bad about myself. Well, not until my tummy started to hurt, not when the lbs started to rack up, because they didn't.
That is, until I turned 20.
It seems my 20s have a little surprise for me: a slower metabolism.

Gyms are, of course, the option everyone suggests. "Exercise! It's good for you!"

Well, the truth is, gyms scare me. I back out of going to the gym more times than I actually commit to going. But yesterday was my third time going to the gym in all of my four years at college. And it wasn't too pretty.

Leaving the house

My main concern before I left the house was do I eat beforehand?
I'm convinced that anything I eat, even a cracker, will just force its way back up my throat after a few running the track once. But I settled for an apple that I couldn't even finish.

Are these sneakers?

I know enough to wear breathable shorts and a loose tee to the gym, but sneakers are something strange to me. I've never owned sneakers before I was 21 (I always borrowed my friends').
Fun fact: my roommate owns over 10 pairs of running shoes.

I settled for these sneakers (if you can actually call them that).

I also decided to wear makeup (just eyeliner and mascara)...I don't know if that is a gym no-no or what....

Am I running right?

I feel like every one at the gym can tell that I'm a newbie, from the second I walk in. I feel eyes staring at me, but I convince myself its just because I'm so hot and naturally fit looking that they are jealous as I strut around the gym....right.
That mentality only lasts until I reach the track. My run can be compared to that of a baby giraffe.

I take small laps around the gym, looking at the overly complex-looking machines that I wouldn't even guess how to use.

How do I use this thing?

After running around the track three times and exiting with a bright red face, trying to recapture my breath, I take a small lap around the gym. Looking at the overly complex-looking machines with strings and wires and liftys and pulleys and bricks of weight, I am terrified.

I settle on to an elliptical machine and run through 7 exhausting minutes, my hardxcore music motivating me (barely)!

I cool down on the track, walking slowly, yet proud of myself for spending around 45 minutes at the gym without vomiting/dying.