Friday, August 30, 2013

Forever a Freshman

Senior. That word holds a lot of weight and a lot of expectations. Seniors are supposed to be wise and experienced and know the ins and outs of world around them.

But I don't.

Tomorrow is the beginning of the end.

Tomorrow I move back to my school, thus beginning my final year of college, making me a senior.

Although I am technically heading toward the "real world," I still feel like a child.
In many ways, I still feel like a freshman.

I'm still learning about myself and the world around me - how to act in certain situations, how to deal with certain personalities types, what I like and what I don't like.

I don't think that will ever go away, and I realized that that's a good thing. But for a while, I saw this as a bad thing. I felt almost like I hadn't grown up right because I didn't know some things that my roommate knew. But then I realized that no one knows everything, but everyone is learning every day.

Even though, I am going to be a senior in college, I will forever be a freshman.
I will always want to learn and discover and explore the areas within my mind and out in the world.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Do you know what's beautiful?


Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The taste of your surroundings

I had an internship in New York this summer, right on Tenth Ave. I was there twice a week.
Walking to and from the bus terminal, I would fast-walk passed blocks of nifty shops and restaurants without turning my head. I was so focused on getting from Point A to Point B and back, without drawing too much attention to myself.

Yesterday one of my supervisors took me out to lunch.
He took me to this little shop on Ninth Ave called Better Being 940 that I had passed by every time I was in the city.
It was a tiny place with paper menus stacked on the counter and a chalkboard menu above. An iHome provided music for the shop.

As I was scanning the paper menu, I noticed that the food this place offered was nothing this Jersey girl had seen before.

Avocado toast, herbed turkey burger on an English Muffin, cabbage and scallion coleslaw...

And then there were the sandwiches! Taken from website..

The Massaman Joe: Thai Massaman Curry Turkey Sloppy Joe, Basil Peanut Gremoulata, Seeded Brioche 
The Djanger: Hangar Steak, Tomato Coulis, Brussels Sprouts, Caramelized Onion, Rosemary Horseradish Mayo, Onion Foccacia
The Squashbuckler: Squash, Manchego, Onions, Kale, Sourdough

I'm a boring lunchmeat girl who is used to turkey and cheese on wheat bread and throws mayo in when she is feeling daring. Coming from my three-ingredient sandwiches, it was a mouthful just reading about these sandwiches.

I ended up ordering the Nuyorican.
- Sofrito chicken
- Plantains
- Peppercorn mayo
- Avocado 
Held together in a tortilla wrap.

                                                                       Taken from website.

My God, it was the most delicious thing I have tasted in a while.

Being Spanish, I was loving the Sofrito chicken and plantains; they complimented each other in an interesting way.
Being me, I loved the avocado. I have a weird thing for avocado; If I'm out at a restaurant looking at the menu, my eyes are searching for the word "Avocado." Me likey.

If you find yourself in New York City, check out Better Being 940. Let your tastes buds do a lil experimenting!


Friday, August 23, 2013

NERDGASM: Books rule, eBooks drool.

I'm a technology cavewoman.

While everyone was scrolling 100 songs on their iPods, I was flicking through 50 songs on my Mp3 player.
While everyone was pulling up the Google browser on their smart phones, I was texting Cha-Cha and the Twitter Mobile number.
While everyone was plugging in their laptops, I was powering up my desktop PC.
Sad, but true.

I eventually caught up to everyone's techy trends, except for one.


I refuse.

I refuse to try and convince myself that a swipe of the finger on a smooth screen to go to the next the page is better than the lick-and-turn method. I refuse to curl up in bed with a nice Kindle. I refuse to open up a Nook on a fall afternoon. I refuse to pick up a device that I can read both a text message and learn the message of a literary text from.

When I read a book, I am transferred into another world. A world where I know new people and am a part of new situations. I am outside of myself. I can leave my worries and stress beh----BUZZZZZZZZZ.

Text message.


And nothing beats the feeling of satisfaction I get from adding a read book to my book shelves. Horizon and vertical, short and tall, skinny and fat. The spins of my books tell stories from periods of my life. eBooks could never do that.

There is something wonderful about walking into a Barnes and Noble and browsing the aisles and aisles of shelves of books until a spine catches your eye. When you hold a both in your hands, you feel the weight of everything awaiting in between the front and back covers. Opening the cover, ceasing the page, folding the book. I would never give up that timeless (and unbreakable) magic for a device I have to charge at night.

Books build friendships and relationships. They create common ground for people who have read are reading the same book, or at least serve as an ice breaker for people who have differing opinions on a book. If you were reading your Nook in a coffee store, no one have any idea what you were reading. And if that was the case, Summer from 500 Days of Summer would have never met her husband!

                                             Ignore the terrible quality and skip to 3:35.

I don't want to make it seem like I'm against technological improvements- that's not the case at all.
I'm all for it! Make my cell phone smaller, make my laptop thinner but, please, don't mess with books.

Paper > Plastic and glass.


Thursday, August 15, 2013

My lame Kick-Ass 2 review

I saw Kick-Ass 2 tonight.

If you haven't seen Kick-Ass, here is all you need to know: It goes there.

If Kick-Ass 2 were a tree, the roots would be violence, the branches would be sadness and the leaves at the end would be comedy. Oh, and the tree's name would be Badass, because that's what the movie is overall.

The movie has managed to created its own genre...Vi-sad-edy. (I just made that up, but feel free to start referring to Kick-Ass flicks as vi-sad-eddies, the way How To Lose a Guy in 10 Days is referred to as a rom-com.)

So don't be thrown off by the knee-slapper that is the preview for the movie.
It ain't all sunshine and kids dressed up in costumes pretending to be superheroes only to discover that they are ordinary heroes or some shit.

People die and get brutally hurt. But Aaron Johnson takes his shirt off so maybe that is reason enough to get your booty to the movies and see this one-of-a-kind movie. Mmm, Aaron Johnson.

Goals and blue skies

Every summer, I like to set goals for myself.
  • Read more.
  • Learn how to cook.
  • Take up a hobby.

Those are just a few on my super duper long list.
Unfortunately, I usually don't really get around to doing or sticking to most of the goals on my bullet-pointed scroll, but today I got to strike out two!
  • Go outside more.
  • Do more things on my own.

This summer, I've really been wanting to get outside and be around nature, something I don't do often. I've also been trying to be more independent and do more on my own, without relying on others.

Today, I went canoeing and hiking with friends and then went bike riding on my own!
It was a day of big accomplishments and I'm pretty happy about it. :)

It was a beautiful day.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

How I became a cat lady

I’ve always had dogs. Ever since I was born, there has been a dog in my life, as well fish, snakes, (so many) hamsters and newts, but mostly dogs.
When I went away to college, Jade, my black lab, , had been a part of the family for four years. As the days of my freshman year went by, I found myself missing her a lot, probably a little bit more than I missed my parents. I felt like there was a Jade-shaped hole in my heart that was aching to be filled again.

Even though I made friends in college and had roommates, I felt alone and couldn’t help but miss the company of a pet. This feeling grew immensely when I reached my junior year because my roommate and I were hardly ever home at the same time, leaving me to do homework alone in an empty apartment without the distraction of a cute furry face.

My roommate and I had both began having that “something is missing” feeling ever since moving into our new apartment. She was missing her cat and I was missing my dog. We discussed getting a pet for a few weeks, throwing ideas around to see which one stuck for both of us.
‘Cat’ was thrown around a few times but a cat never seemed like a practical pet seeing as how we were broke college students. Plus, I didn’t know cats. Hell, I had never even pet a cat before. What could a cat do for me? Could a cat fill my Jade-shaped hole? All I knew about cats was that they were mean, antisocial and unattached.
But somehow, my roommate convinced me and immediately took to the Internet to begin our search for our new pet. A week later, we were pulling up in the parking lot of a Target on a chilly September night to meet the owners of the cat that would soon become my most prized possession.

His owners had put an ad online for somewhere to take their 1-year-old cat, Mr. Fluffballs, because they were moving to a new place that didn’t allow cats.

He wouldn’t stop meowing as my roommate held him and cooed to him. She fell in love with him fast. Now it was I who needed convincing.

And to this day I don’t know why I said yes. There was nothing overwhelmingly adorable about this cat that made my heart turn into syrup. His eyes did not speak to me in a sweet little voice. He was just a cat that looked frightened to be outside and in the arms of a stranger.

I really don’t know what made me agree to take that cat home that very night. But something did, and, as sappy as it sounds, I’m so glad I did.

My cat, who we renamed Kevin, has changed my life and my opinion on cats entirely, to the point that I melt whenever I see a cat!
                                                                           He's a freak. <3
Super friendly and cuddly, Kevin gives me something to look forward to, something to sleep next to, something to randomly hug and kiss when he least expects it. Obsessed is an understatement.

Yep, I’m a cat lady.